Legal Office Hours 2017

MAS and SFA are piloting an “Office Hours” programme. The programme is a platform for start-ups to connect and consult one-on-one with industry partners (e.g. law firms, business consultants, corporates, etc).

The first pilot will be the ‘Legal Office Hours” programme for start-ups. This would be a good opportunity reduce the entry barrier for start-ups to access legal services, which are perceived to be tedious and costly.

When   : Fri 7 Apr 3pm – 5pm | Fri 21 Apr 10am – 12pm (Start-up will be allocated a 40 min slot during the session)

Where  : Looking Glass @ MAS, Level 11, MAS Building

Who      : Law firms

Interested start-ups are to fill up an online form here about their business/solution, and the questions they would like to ask the law firms. Priority will be given to SFA members.



  • As part of pre-session preparation, the assigned law firm may ask for additional information to clarify on the questions asked.
  • During the session, the assigned law firm will provide responses based on the questions submitted, and start-ups can clarify on the response provided. Due to time constraints, responses to questions can be expected to be brief and is not intended to be and cannot be relied on or taken as a substitute for, proper legal advice rendered with the benefit of full instructions.
  • Start-ups are required to provide feedback after the session.
  • Start-ups are not obliged to continue consulting from the same law firm.