SCRY.INFO Joins Singapore FinTech Association

SCRY.INFO Joins Singapore FinTech Association

国际化社区项目Scry.info近日确认加入新加坡金融科技协会(Singapore FinTech Association)。新加坡金融科技协会(SFA)是一个跨行业的非营利组织,旨在促进FinTech生态系统中所有市场参与者和利益相关者之间的合作。International Open-source Community SCRY.INFO recently confirmed their joining Singapore FinTech Association (SFA). SFA is a cross-industry NON PROFIT initiative, intended to be a platform designed to facilitate collaboration between all market participants and stakeholders in the FinTech ecosystem.

Scry.info是全球首个基于区块链的可量化数据交易平台,致力于构建一个低门槛便捷使用的区块链开源协议层,让更多的行业进入区块链,让分类数据注入成为区块链智能合约,促进农业等多行业的发展,普惠金融造福社会发展,并让更多的参与者、开发者进入到区块链智能化协议数据所带来的不同感知中,并运用在现实中分享、激励、共赢、共识。SCRY.INFO is the world’s first blockchain-based quantitative data providing and exchanging platform for storage, verification, utilization, analysis, sharing and trading of real world data. Interactions within the Scry community are made through SCRY.INFO’s built-in smart contracts to access, share and utilize a wide spectrum of data as fed and verified by the mass users on a distributed basis. also enables users to customize industry/event-specific smart contracts to be applied to various scenarios and niches, such as polls or prediction markets in sports, entertainment, agriculture, financial market and so forth.

SFA现拥有超过185名成员,代表FinTech行业的全类别利益相关者,从早期创新公司到大型金融机构和服务提供商都包含在其中。SFA自2016年11月以来一直活跃,今年7月,Fintech更是推出了全球首个国家级fintech项目,Scry.info加入成为其中一员,将与SFA一同发展,将协同促进SFA生态系统中的参与者之间的合作。国际化开源社区的 scry.info也将不断保持前进的姿态,不断做好产品,不断正向生长。SFA currently has 185 members, representing all different participants, from new start-ups to giant financial organizations and other service providers in FinTech industry. SFA has been very active ever since its establishment in November 2016. In July this year, FinTech launched the first national grade fintech project in the world and SCRY.INFO joins as one of the members to grow with SFA and to facilitate collaboration between all participants in the SFA ecosystem.