Opportunities in Switzerland for Start-ups

In collaboration with the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore, SFA would like to highlight a couple of opportunities in Switzerland for Start-ups:

–       Kickstart Accelerator, an initiative by digitalswitzerland, a cross-industry association with strong backing from industry leaders, which aims at making Switzerland a leading digital innovation hub in Europe. It is also one of Europe’s largest accelerator programme and one objective for the second edition this year, is to attract more international startups and they have a fintech vertical.
Applications close on April 30th
Program: September 4th – November 17th

Kickstart-Accelerator_Overview-2017.pdf (308 downloads)


–       F10, Switzerland’s premier FinTech Incubator and Accelerator (no equity taken)
Application Period: December 1st – April 28th
Selection Period: April 29th – June 6th
Program: July 3rd – December 7th

F10_Overview.pdf (330 downloads)


For further enquries please email to hello@singaporefintech.org