Notice of SFA 2022 Annual General Meeting

Notice of 2022 Annual General Meeting

Singapore, 11 March 2022 –

To: Representative, Singapore FinTech Association (SFA) Member Companies

It has been an exciting and eventful year with you at Singapore FinTech Association. To keep you updated on our progress and plans, we would like to invite you to our VIRTUAL SFA AGM on Friday, 25th March 2022.

To help protect everyone’s health and safety in this pandemic, while also ensuring your voice is heard, we are facilitating the virtual AGM with the following details:

    1. The AGM will be held on 25th March 2022 at 3:00 PM Singapore Time, or when a quorum is achieved.


    1. Any voting member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of the AGM may do so provided he or she sends it to the Secretary at and the request must reach him by 18th March 2022.


    1. Registration to vote/attend the AGM will start from now and end on 22nd March 2022, 5:00 PM Singapore Time. You will receive a confirmation email by 23rd March 2022.


    1. Eligibility to vote: Voting members shall refer only to Ordinary Members and Associate Members who have or would have been members of the Association for at least one (1) continuous year from 25th March 2021. Individual Members shall not have any voting rights regardless of tenure with the SFA as a member.


    1. Voting by Proxy: If the representative for a voting member is not able to attend, he/she may submit a proxy form to appoint another employee of the voting member to attend on his/her behalf by sending the completed forms to All completed forms must be signed and must reach us by 22nd March 2022, 5:00 PM Singapore Time.


  1. The agenda for the AGM on 25th March 2022, 3:00 PM will be as follows:

      • Item 1 – Recap 2021
      • Item 2 – Presentation and adoption of the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 and the Statement by the Executive Committee and the Report of the Auditors thereon
      • Item 3 – Appointment of Auditors of SFA for the financial year ended 31 December 2022
      • Item 4 – Constitution Changes
      • Item 5 – Membership Fee Revision for members with revenue above $1mil
      • Item 6 – Subcommittee Chair Sharing
      Item 7 – Plans for 2022

The AGM registration will commence at 2:30 PM, with it beginning at 3:00 PM and ending at around 5:00 PM on 25th March 2022.

Particulars of the agenda shall be posted on SFA’s website in advance of the meeting closer to the AGM date. The Constitution of SFA can be found on SFA’s website for your reference.

For more information about voting and voting by Proxy, please email

For other information or questions about the AGM, please email me at

We look forward to having the pleasure of welcoming you virtually at our 2022 AGM.

Yours faithfully,

Umang Moondra