Singapore FinTech Association
Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 07 Aug 2018 6.30 pm at 80 Robinson Road Singapore 068898
- With the required quorum of 30+ members/representatives, the Secretary called the meeting to order.
- Secretary outlined the main purpose of the meeting:
- Presentation of SFA’s year to date financials
- SFA’s initiatives and progress since the last AGM
- Constitution Amendment to clarify the term of Treasurer is 2 years
- Secretary then presented the financials to all attending members.
- President shared a presentation on SFA’s progress and initiatives since the last AGM.
- Secretary then outlined the proposed change in the constitution, as is detailed below and asked all attending members to vote by a show of hands. the amendment was passed by a unanimous vote.
- The Secretary then called the meeting to a close.

Umang Moondra, Secretary