Kickoff: FinTech Talent Programme, Batch 4

This Tuesday, we kicked off the fourth run of our #FinTechTalentProgramme with 30 professionals, managers and executives. Our president Chia Hock Lai gave the students an introduction of #fintech and the evolution of the financial services industry. Special thanks to WenChun Low, Shwetank Verma, Beng Eu Lim, CFA CAIA, Tomasz Kurczyk and Dheeraj Joshi for coming down and sharing about developments in the #MarketplaceInvesting, #FinTechInvesting #roboadvisors #InsurTech and #Payment sub-sector of FinTech.

The #FintechTalentProgramme is a 2-month practitioner-led career development programme by the Singapore FinTech Association (SFA), Singapore Polytechnic and National Trades Union Congress (NTUC). We will start recruitment for Batch 5 (October 2018) soon. Stay tuned to this space for updates!

For more details about the FinTech Talent Programme, do visit