5 June 2017
To: Representative, SFA Member Companies
From: Rob Findlay, Chair, Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee of Singapore FinTech Association (SFA) invites representatives of SFA members to nominate individuals to serve on the Committee of SFA.
The Committee will consist of the following members, who will be elected at the Annual General Meeting:
Vice President
Seven Ordinary Committee Members
Only one representative of any member company may be elected to the Committee. At least half of the Committee members must be representatives of ordinary members. (Ordinary members are financial technology (FinTech) companies that have been registered in Singapore and have a purpose of developing, promoting or selling financial technology.) No more than two Committee members may be from a bank or insurance company or finance company or trust company registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
A majority of the Committee Members must be Singapore citizens or permanent residents. In addition, the President, Secretary, and Treasurer must be Singapore citizens or permanent residents. Only representatives of Ordinary or Associate members who are resident in Singapore may be nominated.
Nominations must be made in writing by the voting representative and must be seconded by another representative. The nomination must be signed by the person nominated, signifying the person’s consent to the nomination, and must be signed by the proposer and seconder. Signatures may be electronic. The Nominating Committee may also make nominations with the prior written approval of the nominee. A copy of the nomination form can be found below:
SFA Nomination Form 2017 (347 downloads)
Nominations will close on 23 June 2017, so please submit your nomination and the information requested by 23 June 2017. Please state whether the nomination is for one of the four Officer positions or for one of the Ordinary Committee Member positions.
The Nominating Committee will review the nominations and will announce nominees at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting. The Nominating Committee will announce the names of eligible nominees at least 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, which is planned for mid-2017.
For more information, please contact Nominating Committee chair Rob Findlay at rob@nextmoney.org.
Sent by SFA on behalf of the Nominating Committee:
Rob Findlay (Chair), Pavel Bains (Member), Michelle Katics (Member)
What types of people should apply?
We need passionate, knowledgeable and connected people to lead the Association in representing the broader fintech industry, fostering talent and innovation across the fintech sector, and supporting growth of fintechs in Singapore.
Who is eligible to apply?
Staff of members* of the Singapore FinTech Association may apply. Only one representative per company may be elected to the Committee. While the president, secretary and treasurer must be a Singapore citizen or permanent resident, the vice president and other committee members may any SFA member resident in Singapore. A majority of the Committee must be PR or Singapore citizens.
*members refer to corporates whose membership applications have been approved and membership fees paid.
How do I apply?
You can apply by submitting information about yourself, including contact details and a short bio, via the link on the email that has been sent to SFA members regarding nominations. You will also need a seconder for your nomination.
Do I apply for a specific position?
You may apply for the role of president, vice president, secretary or treasurer. Otherwise, you can apply for the role of “Ordinary Committee Member.” Seven “ordinary” members will be elected at the AGM.
What is the commitment required?
We meet as a Committee approximately once per month. These meetings are generally for about 2 hours, so that the Committee has adequate time for strategy and planning. Most Committee members also serve on at least one of the six sub-committees. Committee members frequently attend SFA and industry events. And there is sometimes work to be done by individual committee members on SFA activities.
Do I need to be responsible for something or just have a committee role?
You can choose to run to be an officer – the president, vice president, secretary or treasure. Most Committee members also serve on a subcommittee. There are current six subcommittees – Education, Events, Partnerships, Policy, Sponsorship, Women in FinTech – as well as individuals working on membership or other activities.
What’s the process & timeline of nomination and selection?
What are the criteria for selection by the Nominating Committee:
The Nominating Committee is looking for individuals who have the interest, passion, experience and commitment to add value to the fintech community in Singapore. Criteria the Nominating Committee will use include:
How will Committee Members be elected?
SFA members will vote for office bearers and ordinary committee members at the Annual General Meeting, and election will follow on a simple majority vote of the members. Election will be either by show of hands or, subject to the agreement of the majority of the voting members present, by a secret ballot. The term of office of the Committee is one year.
Who can be the proposer and seconder in the nomination form?
The nominee can be the proposer. The seconder can be the official representative of another SFA member.
Can a member propose or second more than one nominee?
If you have any questions please email the Singapore Fintech Association at nomination@singaporefintech.org