Call for collaboration – Fintech Talent Report 2020
SFA is calling for vendors interested to undertake the 2020 edition of the FinTech Talent Report. Last year’s edition has been downloaded more than 2.6K times on SFA website and also reported/ quoted in several mainstream media.
Proposed Research Areas
Report Pages: 15-20 pages
1st Draft Completed By (1st Draft) : 15th September 2020
If your organisation is interested to partner with SFA on this upcoming publication, please send us a
1. Initial evaluation (As below)
2. Completed RFQ form (As attached)
By latest 7th August 2020 1800 hours for our consideration. We might request for a full proposal AFTER this initial evaluation stage.
Please send an email to [email protected] to request for the documents if you are interested to be considered in this call for collaboration.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this call.