To: Representative, SFA Member Companies
At the AGM held on the 4th August 2017, our members have voted in favour of all the resolutions. A total of 76 members voted and 41 members attended in-person. So we would like to say a big thank you to all members who took the time to vote this year. Details of the full results are set out below.
Proposal 1: Change of name to "Singapore FinTech Association" from "FinTech Association (Singapore)". Status: Approved Yes: 71 (95%) No: 4 (5%) Proposal 2: Clause 2.1: Approved Yes: 75 (100%) No: 0 (0%) Clause 7.3: Approved Yes: 74 (99%) No: 1 (1%) Clause 8.3: Approved Yes: 63 (86%) No: 10 (14%) Clause 8.4: Approved Yes: 73 (100%) No: 0 (0%) Election of Committee Members: President: Chia Hock Lai, NTUC Income Vice President: Eddie Lee, New Union Secretary: Umang Moondra, Avante Consulting Treasurer: Subhajit Mandal, Lumenlab Committee Members: Joe Cho, Marvelstone Adrian Fisher, Linklaters Branson Lee, Blockchain Foundry Varun Mittal, EY Daphne Ng, JEDTrade Pauline Sim, UOB Anson Zeal, ACCESS For more information, please contact the Secretary at