Since its formation in 2016, SFA has grown to play a pivotal role in the FinTech ecosystem. One of the key objectives outlined in the Association’s Constitution is to serve as a platform that facilitates collaboration and engagement among all participants and stakeholders in the FinTech ecosystem. As the industry has grown, so too has our membership, which now comprises a broad-based representation of the FinTech ecosystem.
In line with these objectives, and to better meet the evolving needs of our participants and stakeholders, the SFA Executive Committee has identified areas in the current Constitution that should be amended to reflect the growing needs of SFA members. These changes aim to enhance the Association’s governance and operations, ensuring they remain up to date and emphasise the importance of stability and inclusivity to better serve our growing member community.
This requires amendments to be made to the SFA’s Constitution, which must be ratified at an EGM. Accordingly, an EGM is proposed to be held as follows:
Date: 24 October 2024, Thursday
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Location: 80 Robinson Road, #08-01, 80RR, Singapore 068898
We request your presence at the EGM to vote on the proposed amendments to the Constitution, as detailed below.
Voting eligibility:
- Please note that the EGM is exclusively open to SFA Corporate members. Voting is only permitted for eligible Corporate member voting representatives. View the list of eligible voting companies here*,
- A voting representative can only appoint another person as a proxy if that person is an employee of the same eligible Corporate member,
- The voting representative or proxy must be at least 21 years of age,
- Completed Proxy Forms must either be submitted to as a soft copy or as signed physical copies mailed to 80 Robinson Road, #08-01, Singapore 068898 by Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 4:00pm,
- Any late submissions will be considered invalid proxy entries.
*If your company is not listed, but is believed to be an eligible voting company, reach out to
Download the Proxy Form.
Chye Kit Chionh
Register Here
Amendments Proposed to SFA Constitution |
Current Wording
8.3 Names for the positions on the Committee set out above (save for the position of the Immediate Past President), shall be proposed and seconded at the General Meeting and election will follow on a simple majority vote of the members. The position of Immediate Past President will not be subject to an election. The immediate past President who has completed his/her term as President may at his/her discretion choose to occupy the position of Immediate Past President for one (1) term. The term of office of each Committee Member (other than the Immediate Past President) is two (2) years. All persons holding any position on the Committee, except the Treasurer, may be re-elected to, or hold, any position on the Committee for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms, except that the one (1) term period of an Immediate Past President shall not be counted towards the two (2) term period mentioned in this paragraph 8.3. A new Treasurer must be elected after each term.
Proposed Wording
8.3 Names for the positions on the Committee set out above (save for the position of the Immediate Past President), shall be proposed and seconded at the General Meeting and election will follow on a simple majority vote of the members. The position of Immediate Past President will not be subject to an election. The immediate past President who has completed his/her term as President may at his/her discretion, by providing to the then existing Committee, notice of his/her decision to occupy the position of Immediate Past President for one (1) term. This decision shall be communicated to the Committee on or before 31st December of the preceding year prior to the next Annual General Meeting.
The term of office of each Committee Member (other than the Immediate Past President) is two (2) years. Every individual shall not be a Committee Member for more than two (2) terms, regardless of whether the two (2) terms are served consecutively or not, except that the one (1) term period of an Immediate Past President shall not be counted towards the two (2) term period mentioned in this paragraph 8.3.
All persons holding any position on the Committee may be re-elected to, or hold, any position on the Committee for a maximum of two (2) terms, regardless of whether the two (2) terms are served consecutively or not. |